Media Research Center
Defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Sign the Petition

For the reasons listed on this page, along with many others, I, the undersigned American who values a free, fair, and honest press, join the Media Research Center in calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to stop using my tax dollars to fund liberal media bias at NPR and PBS.

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Petition to Defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

President Donald Trump’s latest budget proposal includes a move to end federal funding of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). This corporation supports both National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). For decades, the Media Research Center has called for the federal government to strip these bloated entities of their federal funding because the government shouldn’t be in the propaganda business – liberal or conservative. While NPR and PBS have devolved into little more than mouthpieces for the Left, CPB still receives $465 million annually from taxpayers. This is a critical opportunity to end public funding for this arm of the liberal media machine.

All patriotic Americans who value a free and fair press must call on Congress to end public funding of CPB!

Take a minute to sign our petition to Speaker Pelosi and join the MRC in this important fight!

Here are just a few reasons why CPB should not be propped up by taxpayer funding:

We Don’t Need CPB and CPB Doesn’t Need Our Money:

When it all began, there were three networks on television and CPB was supposed to provide a non-commercial alternative. Now the public has hundreds of programming choices across the airwaves, cable and even streaming to their phones.

Moreover, senior NPR executives were caught by Project Veritas admitting that NPR would be better off without public funding, and have long anticipated the possibility of losing it. According to Politico, they said: “NPR would be better off in the long run without federal funding.”

CPB Has a Dramatic Pro Left-Wing Bias:

PBS displayed its contempt for President Trump when its “right-leaning” pundit David Brooks called Trump “clearly disqualified” for the presidency. Last year, PBS Newshour’s Mark Shields declared there was “sparse” evidence of bias exhibited on the part of FBI agents like Peter Strzok against Trump. And disgraced former PBS host Charlie Rose even said avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders’ policies were “not radical ideas.”

CPB Has Worked in Tandem with the Democratic Party:

In 1999, a woman who sent in a donation to Boston’s publicly-funded WGBH to support PBS’ Barney and Friends found herself solicited for Democratic Party donations shortly thereafter. This showed that public broadcasting entities were selling their donor lists to the Democratic Party. Not coincidentally, these revelations surfaced at the same time that then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich was pushing to defund CPB.

NPR’s Nina Totenberg went on a mission to destroy the Supreme Court nomination of conservative Douglas Ginsburg, by searching for people to verify that he smoked marijuana at Harvard. Totenberg also (unsuccessfully) tried to derail Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the high court.

Public Broadcasting is Inherently Unfair to Smaller Private Broadcasters:

In smaller media markets, commercial radio and TV stations are forced to directly compete on an un-level playing field with NPR and PBS, as the latter have access to the public trough.